BSA Troop 90
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Calendar Year of: 2015Events for : July 2015
  Concert For Heros
  7/3/2015 | 5:00PM - 11:00PM
  PLC Meeting
  7/6/2015 | 6:00PM - 7:00PM
  Troop Meeting
  7/6/2015 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  OA Chapter Meeting  This is a recurring event
  7/9/2015 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting
  Summer Camp @ Camp Emerson, Idylwild
  7/12/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp
  Summer Camp @ Camp Emerson, Idylwild
  7/13/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp
  Patrol Meeting
  7/13/2015 | 6:00PM - 7:00PM
  Troop Meeting
  7/13/2015 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Summer Camp @ Camp Emerson, Idylwild
  7/14/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp
  Summer Camp @ Camp Emerson, Idylwild
  7/15/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp
  Summer Camp @ Camp Emerson, Idylwild
  7/16/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp
  Summer Camp @ Camp Emerson, Idylwild
  7/17/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp
  Philmont 2015
  7/18/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  Summer Camp @ Camp Emerson, Idylwild
  7/18/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp
  USS Midway
  7/18/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Camping on the USS Midway
  Philmont 2015
  7/19/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  USS Midway
  7/19/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Camping on the USS Midway
  NYLT Mataguay #3
  7/20/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/20/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  Troop Meeting
  7/20/2015 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Eagle Project Review Board
  7/20/2015 | 7:15PM - 8:30PM
  NYLT Mataguay #3
  7/21/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/21/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Mataguay #3
  7/22/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/22/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Mataguay #3
  7/23/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/23/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Mataguay #3
  7/24/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/24/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Mataguay #3
  7/25/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/25/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  Philmont 2015
  7/26/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Forest Lawn
  7/27/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/27/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  Patrol Meeting
  7/27/2015 | 6:00PM - 7:00PM
  Camping MB
  7/27/2015 | 6:00PM - 7:45PM
  For all boys that started working on the camping merit badge.
  Troop Meeting
  7/27/2015 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  NYLT Forest Lawn
  7/28/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/28/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Forest Lawn
  7/29/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/29/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Forest Lawn
  7/30/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Philmont 2015
  7/30/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT
  High Adventure - Backpacking
Arrive Philmont morning of 7-18-15
Depart Philmont morning of 7-30-15
  NYLT Forest Lawn
  7/31/2015 | ALL DAY EVENT