BSA Troop 90
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Event Listing: May 2014Event Listing: June 2014Event Listing: July 2014
  5/3/2014 | 9:00AM - 5:00PM
  Troop Meeting
  5/5/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Bike Ride to the Beach
  5/10/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Bike along Santa Ana River Trail from Green River to Huntington Beach. Camping at Newport Dunes.
  Bike Ride to the Beach
  5/11/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Bike along Santa Ana River Trail from Green River to Huntington Beach. Camping at Newport Dunes.
  Troop Meeting
  5/12/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Troop Meeting Physicals
  5/19/2014 | 6:30PM - 8:30PM
  Class b uniforms,
Filled-out BSA Medical form.
  Memorial Day
  5/26/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  5/27/2014 | 6:30PM - 9:00PM
  Limited to 15 Scouts - preregistration required!
  PLC+Parents Meeting
  6/2/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  No troop meeting
  Troop Meeting / Annual Planninng Meeting
  6/9/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Class B uniform
  Mt. San Jacinto
  6/13/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Backpacking - Mandatory meeting 6/9/14 @ 6pm
  Mt. San Jacinto
  6/14/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Backpacking - Mandatory meeting 6/9/14 @ 6pm
  Mt. San Jacinto
  6/15/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Backpacking - Mandatory meeting 6/9/14 @ 6pm
  Troop Meeting
  6/16/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Mandatory meeting for summer camp participant and parents
  HA Summit
  6/22/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  HA Summit
  6/23/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  HA Summit
  6/24/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  Citizenship in the Community
  6/24/2014 | 6:30PM - 9:00PM
  Bring completed worksheet, presentation material and summary of movie from credible source.
  HA Summit
  6/25/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  HA Summit
  6/26/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  HA Summit
  6/27/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  HA Summit
  6/28/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  Ramadan starts
  6/29/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  HA Summit
  6/29/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  Ice Cream Social Service Project
  6/29/2014 | 11:00AM - 5:00PM
  All the ice cream you can eat!! The Museum needs helpers at the Heritage House Ice Cream Social June 29, 2014 - two shifts available: 11am - 2:30pm and 2pm - 5pm.
Sign-up sheet on the Scoutmaster's Table.
Service hours and ice cream! What a deal!
  HA Summit
  6/30/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Whitewater River Rafting in West Virginia.
  Troop Meeting
  6/30/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Concert for Heroes
  7/3/2014 | 5:00PM - 11:00PM
  Service project
  Independence Day
  7/4/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Camp Emerson
  7/13/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp @ Idyllwild, CA
  Camp Emerson
  7/14/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp @ Idyllwild, CA
  Camp Emerson
  7/15/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp @ Idyllwild, CA
  Camp Emerson
  7/16/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp @ Idyllwild, CA
  Camp Emerson
  7/17/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp @ Idyllwild, CA
  Camp Emerson
  7/18/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp @ Idyllwild, CA
  Camp Emerson
  7/19/2014 | ALL DAY EVENT
  Summer Camp @ Idyllwild, CA
  Court of Honor
  7/21/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Troop Meeting
  7/21/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM
  Physical Fitness pt1
  7/22/2014 | 6:30PM - 9:00PM
  Prereqs 1,2,6,9
  Troop Meeng
  7/28/2014 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM